Terms & Conditions

Last updated: April 01, 2024


WE strongly advise you to read the course details including T&C/ Cancellation policy before jumping to the BOOK NOW link.


GROUP SIZE RESTRICTIONS: Majority of our courses have a maximum group size of 40 and a minimum of 16 . For some courses the intake may be smaller. Please check course details for group sizes.

EXPERIENCE RESTRICTIONS: Some of our courses also have pre-requisites in terms of experience level required. Please check the details for each course.

BOOKING ADVICE: Please ensure that you get in touch and book well in advance as we book up very fast. Please note that all of our activities and courses have a “season”. Please get in touch for more accurate dates.


Please note that to secure your place on a course you need to book your seat by registering online along with 10% of the course fee. The remaining fee must be paid 7 days prior to the commencement of the course.

ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST: At the booking stage: · Inform/advise us of any medical condition. Inform/advise us of any disability. Inform/advise us of any mental health issue· Ensure you are fit enough to partake in the chosen activity · Approached your Doctor about whether or not you are fit and well enough to partake (if necessary). After booking your seat you will receive electronic copy of the admission form along with draft text of the medical certificate. Hard copies of the admission form along with medical certificate duly certified by a legally qualified physician needs to be submitted while reporting for the course.

Print out, read and fill in the declaration form. Bring ALL the kit on the list provided on the email. Bring any personal medication. Not turn up under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Must adhere to instructions given by the instructor and act in a civil manner with respect to the environment and others in it. Turn up on time


Adventurous activities are potentially hazardous with a danger of personal injury. By booking a course in these activities you are aware of and accept these risks and will be responsible for your own and your groups actions and involvement. An instructor who holds the relevant awards or qualifications will lead these activities and will maintain a high level of safety throughout the activities. To enable NDI to manage these risks you agree to acknowledge the need for responsible behavior and that the instructors’ word is final on all matters of safety. You confirm that you are familiar with the nature of the activities that you wish to undertake and acknowledge those risks that are inherent therein and that you may freely withdraw from any activity and there is no pressure whatsoever to take part.

Cancellation Policy

Inclement weather that causes an activity to become unsafe to run can occur periodically. In ANY situation where WE (Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute hereafter mentioned as NDI) cancel an activity due to unsafe weather conditions or an Act of God we will either try if possible to offer a backup activity or we will give an alternative date. Any additional money would be returned to you. Cancellations by participants 8 days before the commencement of the course will NOT be eligible for a refund. We may be able to offer you alternative dates or an alternative course. Please get in touch if you have any queries regarding these terms. We will be happy to answer your questions. The cancellation specifics for AOC & BMOC courses are:

  • 100 % refund of the 10% booking amount minus banking/payment gateway charges in case of cancellation request 9 days before the commencement of the course. The amount due will be deposited within 2 weeks from the commencement date of the course.

Legal document of acknowledgement and assumption of risk and release of liability.

I am aware that adventure sports and travel, whether in cities or remote mountainous areas and whether by automated means of transport, raft, on foot, another conveyance, skis, horseback or the like contains some inherent risks of illness, injury, or death. The same may be a result of negligence of others, myself, forces of nature, Act of God or other factors known or unknown. I recognize that such risks may be present at any time before, during and after the course that I am participating in under the arrangements of Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI), its agents, associates.

As per the approved Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the NDI, first aid arrangements, an ambulance will be available at the training site for prompt referral to the nearest medical facility. However apart from first aid, medical services may not be readily available or accessible while trekking in the high altitude areas as part of the course. Under such situations, appropriate evacuation measures will be taken care of by the NDI.


In consideration of payment for the right to participate in the course organized by the Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI), I have and do hereby fully assume all risk of illness, injury or death. Furthermore I hereby release and discharge Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI) and their agents or associates from all actions, claims or demands from damages resulting out of my participation in the training course offered by the Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI)

I agree that the foregoing obligation shall be binding upon me personally as well as upon my heirs, executors, administrators and all members of my family (including any minor accompanying me).

Authorization and Agreement

I hereby authorize any medical aid/treatment deemed necessary in the event of any emergency, injury or mishap. I agree to bear all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be incurred on my/our behalf. I agree that any film or photographs of me/us, as participants, become property of the Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI) and may be used for commercial/promotional purposes.

Express Assumption Of Risk And Responsibility

I recognize that as an Institute, Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI) offers courses in adventure orientation and basic mountaineering, Search and Rescue, Skiing, Community Based Disaster Response and various other training courses, will operate under a covenant of good faith and fair dealing, but that may find it necessary to terminate an activity due to forces of nature, medical necessities or other reasons. I accept their right to take such actions in view of safety and wellbeing of all participants and support staff involved. I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its content. Although precautions are taken to provide a safe and enjoyable experience, there can be no guarantee of absolute safety against injury and accident. There are elements of risk in any training activity related to adventure, sport, or activity associated with the outdoors or wilderness. I am aware and fully understand that this is a release of risk and liability contract between Nanda Devi Adventure and Outdoor Education Institute Pvt. Ltd. (NDI) and me. I hereby accept this agreement on my own free will.

By proceeding, you acknowledge that you have read carefully the T&C and you agree to abide by the aforementioned Terms and Conditions.

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